Showing posts with label Affidavit of Whereabouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Affidavit of Whereabouts. Show all posts

Monday, September 26, 2016

Affidavit of Whereabouts

This is only a sample of Affidavit of Whereabouts.  It could be subject to modifications to suit the facts to be stated by the affiant. It is advisable that before an execution of any legal document, one must seek legal advice or assistance from a Lawyer.

Republic of the Philippines}
City Of Manila                    } Sc.


I, MALAKAS AKOH, Filipino, of legal age, married and a resident of 143  ILOVEU St., Barangay May Forever, City of Manila , after being sworn to in accordance with law, depose and state that:

1.      I am married to MAGANDA SIYA-AKOH since July 21, 1980 in the City of Manila;

2.      Out of that marriage, MARIKIT S. AKOH was born on December 28, 1982.  Copy of the Birth Certificate is hereto attached as Attachment 1 and made an integral part of this Affidavit;

3.      Our only child, MARIKIT S. AKOH died last July 31, 2014 at Nagpapagaling Hospital in Manila after giving birth to her 1ST child. Copy of the Death Certificate of MARIKIT S. AKOH is hereto attached as Attachment 2 and made an integral part of this Affidavit;

4.      Sometime in 1983, few months after the said child was born, MAGANDA SIYA-AKOH left the conjugal dwelling and has disappeared from our lives since then;

5.      Our only child never met her mother during her lifetime since we have no personal knowledge whatsoever of the whereabouts of MAGANDA SIYA-AKOH;

6.      Since MAGANDA SIYA-AKOH left our family dwelling in 1983 until as of date, I never saw her again and no information whatsoever of her whereabouts;

7.      Diligent efforts were made to locate said person but no avail.  We have no contact whatsoever from the relatives and friends of MAGANDA SIYA-AKOH;

8.      I   execute   this   affidavit   to   attest   to   the   veracity   of   the   foregoing averments and for any purpose it may serve.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand this 23rd day of August 2016  in the City of Manila.

Senior Citizen ID No. 12345,
Issued on June 16, 2012 at City of Manila

Signed in the presence of:

____________________                    _______________


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ day of ______________________ in the ________________, affiant appeared and presented his Government Issued Identification Card and I hereby certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am convinced that the foregoing affidavit is his voluntary act and deed and the contents thereof are true and correct of his personal knowledge.


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