Friday, May 1, 2015

Regional Daily Minimum Wage Rate in the Philippines

In celebration of the Philippine Labor’s Day, the National Wages and Productivity Commission (NWPC) has issued the Summary of Current Regional Daily Minimum Wage Rates in the Philippines as follows:

Summary of Current Regional Daily Minimum Wage Rates in the Philippines
(As of May 2015)
(In Pesos) 
WO No.
NCR a/
WO 19/April 4, 2015
P 444.00 - 481.00
P 444.00
P 444.00
CAR b/
WO 16/February 3, 2014
263.00 - 280.00
247.00 - 268.00
247.00 - 268.00
I c/
WO 16/February 5, 2014
213.00 - 253.00
II d/
WO 16/January 5, 2014
247.00 - 255.00
235.00 - 243.00
235.00 - 243.00
III e/
WO 18/November 30, 2014
298.00 - 349.00
283.00 - 319.00
271.00 - 303.00
IV-A f/
WO 16/May 1, 2014
261.00 - 362.50
261.00 - 337.50
255.00 - 317.50
IV-B g/
WO 06/February 1, 2013
205.00 - 275.00
215.00 - 225.00
215.00 - 225.00
V h/
WO 16/ January 10, 2014
236.00 - 260.00
VI i/
WO 22/May 2, 2015
256.50 - 298.50
VII j/
WO18-A/December 14, 2014
295.00 - 340.00
275.00 - 322.00
275.00 - 322.00
WO 18/March 30, 2015
IX l/
WO 18/ June 10, 2013
X m/
WO 17/June 20, 2013
291.00 - 306.00
279.00 - 294.00
279.00 - 294.00
XI n/
WO 18/June 1, 2014
XII o/
WO 18/Aug. 1, 2014
WO 13/February 14, 2015
WO 15/ Feb. 1, 2014


Source:          National Wages and Productivity Commission, as of May 1, 2015.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Philippine Legal Holidays 2015

A. Regular Holidays
New Year’s Day
January (Thursday)
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Araw ng Kagitingan
April (Thursday)
Labor Day
May (Friday)
Independence Day
June (Friday)
National Heroes Day
August (Last Monday of August)
Bonifacio Day
November (Monday)
Christmas Day
December (Friday)
Rizal Day
December (Wednesday)
Eid’l Fitr
To be announced
Eidul Adha
To be announced
B. Special (Non-Working) Days
Chinese New Year
February (Thursday)
Black Saturday
Ninoy Aquino Day
August (Friday)
All Saints Day
November (Sunday)
Additional special (non-working) days
January (Friday)
December (Thursday)
Last Day of the Year
December (Thursday)
C. Special Holiday (for all schools)
EDSA Revolution Anniversary
February (Wednesday)

Legal Notes:
ü An employee is entitled to a holiday pay even if he does not work on a holiday.

ü An employee shall not be entitled to a holiday pay if he should    have  been   absent without pay  on the  working day  preceding   the regular holiday.

ü Computation of Holiday Pay (Regular Holidays):

a.   If the employee did not work, he/she shall be paid 100 percent of his/her salary for that day. Computation: (Daily rate + Cost of Living Allowance [“COLA”]) x 100%. The COLA is included in the computation of holiday pay.

b.   If the employee worked, he/she shall be paid 200 percent of his/her regular salary for that day for the first eight hours. Computation: (Daily rate + COLA) x 200%. The COLA is also included in computation of holiday pay.

c.    If the employee worked in excess of eight hours (overtime work), he/she shall be paid an additional 30 percent of his/her hourly rate on said day. Computation: Hourly rate of the basic daily wage x 200% x 130% x number of hours worked.- If the employee worked during a regular holiday that also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30 percent of his/her daily rate of 200 percent. Computation: (Daily rate + COLA) x 200%] + (30% [Daily rate x 200%)].

d.   If the employee worked in excess of eight hours (overtime work) during a regular holiday that also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30 percent of his/her hourly rate on said day. Computation: (Hourly rate of the basic daily wage x 200% x 130% x 130% x number of hours worked)

ü Computation of Holiday Pay (Special Non Working Days):
a.   If the employee did not work, the “no work, no pay” principle shall apply, unless there is a favorable company policy, practice, or collective bargaining agreement (CBA) granting payment on a special day.

b.   If the employee worked, he/she shall be paid an additional 30 percent of his/her daily rate on the first eight hours of work. Computation: [(Daily rate x 130%) + COLA).

c.     If the employee worked in excess of eight hours (overtime work), he/she shall be paid an additional 30 percent of his/her hourly rate on said day. Computation: (Hourly rate of the basic daily wage x 130% x 130% x number of hours worked).

d.   If the employee worked during a special day that also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional fifty percent of his/her daily rate on the first eight hours of work. Computation: [(Daily rate x 150%) + COLA].

e.     If the employee worked in excess of eight hours (overtime work) during a special day that also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30 percent of his/her hourly rate on said day. Computation: (Hourly rate of the basic daily wage x 150% x 130% x number of hours worked).

ü Special Holiday for All Schools:

a.   For private establishments, 25 February 2014 is an ordinary workday and no premium is required to be paid for work on said day.

b.   On the other hand, employees in private schools, whether academic or administrative personnel, shall be paid in accordance with the rules for pay on special (nonworking) days as stated in Labor Advisory No. 06, Series of 2013.


1.    Labor Code, As Amended
2.    Proclamation No. 831, S. 2014
3.    Labor Policy No. 09 S. 2014

Friday, April 3, 2015

Blessed Good Friday!

" Jesus, we take refuge in your power before which nothing is impossible. We ask you to deliver us and heal us, for you have said: "I have come so that you may have life, life to the full." (John 10:10). But if it is your will that we undergo sufferings and difficulties, sustain us with the sight of your Cross. Remind us to offer with love all our pains in reparation for sins and for the conversion of sinners. In all circusmtances, let us be joyful givers, we pray, Amen! " - The Way of the Cross Meditation Prayer

Blessed Good Friday!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Quotes from Single Woman

The Single Woman by Mandy Hale is primarily about letting go and moving on from failed relationship and knowing one’s self worth with God given gifts. The book is very inspiring and promotes positivity despite odd in life.  We love.  We have loved. We loss the love and we were hurt.  We cried. We suffered pain but from all of these are still experiences that we have to be thankful for because it means blessings for something better are coming.  My top 10 favorite lines from the book are:

1. “Love is not finding a “better half” but an “equal match”.  Love is letting go when you want to hold on.  Love will never require you to sacrifice your dreams or your dignity. 

Love isn’t uncertainty.  It isn’t a “maybe” thing.  It isn’t a question. Its always an answer.”

2.   “When things end with no warning and leave you feeling as though your world has been flipped upside down, something greater is at work. The exit of that person, thing or dream was a boarding pass to somewhere new, somewhere better, somewhere you need to be that you weren’t going to reach without losing some baggage.  Realized that if a door closed, its because what was behind it wasn’t meant for you.”

3. “Seasons come, seasons go, seasons change, but the lessons remain.  You cant force a season to last if its time has passed.  Happiness is loving every season for different reasons.  Embrace the season you’re in, and when its time to let go, embrace your chance to begin again.”

4. “You cant truly heal from a loss until you allow yourself to really feel the loss.”

5. “Whatever you’re facing in your life - -a test, a heartbreak, a detour, a letdown, a doctor’s appointment, a delayed dream --- when the rains of fear come, let your windshield wipers of faith answer.  Stand strong, knowing that your destination is still there,  It hasn’t changed, and it can never be erased by a few drops of rain.”

6. “Life wasn’t meant to have an eraser.  Much like enthusiastic kids, were meant to finger-paint boldly on the canvas of life with no thought of how perfect the finished product might be.  Life isn’t meant to be lived perfectly but merely to be lived-boldly, wildly, beautifully, uncertainly, imperfectly, and magically lived.”

7. “Sometimes it takes a wrong turn to get you to the right place.”

8. “Don’t run from what was.  Embrace it.  Allow it to wash over you, cleansing you for the past and carrying you into the future.  We are not meant to go through life as blank canvasses.  Things, people, and events leave their mark on you, and you leave your mark on them, resulting in the beautiful masterpiece of a well-lived life.”

9. “As messy battle-scared, and imperfect as your journey may be, it is uniquely yours, and that makes it beautiful.”

10.                    In heartbreak lies opportunity.  Lessons learned from one broken heart have the power to heal thousands more.”

    1.      The Single Woman by Mandy Hale c. 2013
    2.    http:// www.thesinglewoman. net